Hamlet Characters

Hamlet Plot Summary / Synopsis

After the death of its king, the land of Denmark is left in a state of disorder and mayhem. Young Prince Hamlet, the late King's son, is left particularly distressed, not only because of the King's death, but also the sudden marriage of his mother, Queen Gertrude, to Hamlet's uncle, Claudius, barely two months later. To add to Hamlet's confusion, the late King's spirit returns to tell him that the late King was murdered by Claudius - Hamlet's uncle, his mother's husband, and therefore the new King of Denmark.

Prince Hamlet

Prince Hamlet, whose quest for revenge shapes the story, is Shakespeare's representation of humanity. Thus his emotions, desires, and temptations can all be related to by mankind. Although an intelligent scholar, Hamlet is blinded by a revenge-driven bitterness that triggers the beginning of his journey down the path of sin and results in tragedy. This path chosen by Hamlet symbolizes mankind's own struggle with temptation and corruption.

Prince Hamlet
Laurence Olivier as Prince
Hamlet in the 1948 film
adapatation of Hamlet


In his ambition to become the King of Denmark, Claudius, the villain of Shakespeare's Hamlet, weaves a web of deceit and betrayal. However, his reign comes to an abrupt end when he must reap the consequences of his path of wrongdoing.


Queen Gertrude is similar to Ophelia in that she is a victim of the tragic events in Hamlet. However, unlike Ophelia, she is not without blame since she forgets her loyalty to her late husband and allows herself to be deceived into marriage by Claudius. Yet Gertrude pays dearly for her mistakes in the end.


The innocent victim in Hamlet is Ophelia, the young lady who Hamlet loves but who loses her life as a consequence of Prince Hamlet's tragic path. Her unwavering integrity is lost in tragedy as a result of both her father's and Hamlet's sowing of deceit.


Polonius plays the accomplice to the villain, King Claudius. In a quest for the King's favour, Polonius attempts to bring about Hamlet's downfall, even going so far as to use his daughter, Ophelia's, continuing obedience to betray him. However, Polonius' misdeeds soon take their toll. His dishonourable death, stabbed by Hamlet while hiding behind a curtain, was an ironic and perhaps suitable ending to the man's unscrupulous life.


Laertes is a similar character to Hamlet. Once the loving brother of Ophelia, he too seeks revenge for the murder of his father, Polonius. Laertes' blindness gives Claudius the chance to infect his mind and perhaps be rid of Hamlet once and for all. Yet although Laertes finds the revenge he seeks, he must also reap the costs.

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